Courtney I wanted to let you know how much I love you! You are awesome! I can't wait to Marry you! Yes Courtney told me that she would Marry me! I just wanted to sing you a little peice from a sonh we both love! "All my girls stand in a circle and clap your hands this is for you, L, O, L, O, L, O, L, O V E, L, O, L, O, L, O, L, O V E, awe did you hear me say!" Girl I love you I can't wait till nationals in Orlando! Me, you, and Hadne will eb hittin' that mall up! Is Hannah Goin? Guh I know this is a bad pic but it is the only one that I could get to at the moment! Sorry! YOU LOOK GOOD ALL THE TIME!! Even at 1:00 in the morning! This pic is at State Fine Arts! We are on the Rich Bus!! Enjoy